Monday, 25 January 2010

Interviews and Coats

Yet again, the weekend was over far too quickly, for my liking. Monday was relatively okay, but I can't bare the thought of another week! The fairly good thing is half term holidays are here in three weeks, but I can't get too excited for that either because I know that on the other side, GCSE Science modules are awaiting me!

An immediate pick-me-up is the 21 Questions interview from Jazmine at Tino'Mino Squared. Her questions were wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed answering them in detail, probably too much detail..! Nevertheless, I loved the questions and want to thank her for choosing me to answer them. Click here to read my 21 Questions interview!

Another little thing, I've actually unearthed a new (old) coat from the airing cupboard, I got it a while ago from my uncle who got it from America, and I really like it! I have a large array of coats, mostly woollen, with my favourites being my red Burberry duffel, long black Gap coat, red and black, lumberjack-style coat, another similar lumberjack with green, red and black, but my new one is brown! With small little checks, as you'll be able to see from the photo below:

Coat - Unsure (Present from my uncle); Black hoody - H&M (£15); Stripy t-shirt - Mulberry (Really old hand-me-down); Black skinnies - DKNY (Hand-me-down)
I hope you guys like it as much as me and it's definitely here to stay. :D I don't actually mind the cold weather, when I have lovely coats to wear! :) Hope everyone else is staying in the warm still, stay safe and I hope that you all have a great week!



  1. i read the 21 questions. your answers were completely awesome (haha i think it was good you answered with too many details)
    awesome coat!

  2. I love it!!!


  3. I LOVE the outfit!
    That coat is amazing!!
    Your wall looks really cool btw :)

    And yeah, I made the cake, it was so much fun. I went to a cake-decorating shop for work exp. and I fell in love with it ever since :D

    Abi x

  4. I'll definitely throw a coin & eat a loads of ice cream when in Rome. I love your outfit! :)


  5. very cute coat! i love unearthing things and rediscovering how great they are. and i totally agree... the cold weather is so much easier to bare when you have nice things to wear! xx


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