Saturday, 10 November 2012

London, Pt. IV - Work Experience

Hi! Apologies for the lack of posts over the last couple of weeks. School has just sapped up all my time, but it's finally the weekend! So time to catch up on blogs, chill out and spend some time with family!

I realised that I still haven't managed to post about my work experience in London, so here goes... Way back in October, I spent five days at an investment bank in Canary Wharf, the financial district of London. It was pretty scary to be commuting to and from London every day on my own, considering I'd never gotten the tube on my own before, especially during peak time rush hour. It took me about an hour and a quarter to get to Canary Wharf and and then another hour and a quarter on the way back each day, but it wasn't actually too bad on the days that I managed to get a seat. I'm pretty sure that I was the youngest person on the trains too, which was kind of weird. To be honest, I quite liked those train journeys when I could sit there and read or even do some people-watching whilst I had my headphones in.

Anyway, I was working from 9-5 every day and it was such a massive eye-opener into the world of work. The buildings were so swanky and the people that I met were so friendly and welcoming. I learnt a lot about what goes on in the finance industry and experienced far more than most 16-year-olds get to experience, for which I feel truly lucky. Without wanting to bore you further about the things that I did there, I just want to say that London is a great place to be for work, in my opinion. It is a city full of opportunity and I truly hope that I get a chance to work there in the future. The work experience was invaluable and has motivated me to try and strive for a great job in London!

1. Thomson Reuters building @ Canary Wharf
2. The DLR track
3. Bank Street, Canary Wharf
4. Morgan Stanley, Canary Wharf
5. Canary Wharf tube station
6. Sneaky shot on the escalators; Coffee overload!

Above are just a few photos in and around Canary Wharf. I genuinely really miss the independence of being in London on my own, as well as the fast-paced nature of the working environment. Right now, I've been back at school for two weeks and so finally getting back into the swing of things regarding schoolwork and whatnot. Just been busy busy busy. Anyway, coming up soon is a post on a recent living room gig courtesy of Sofar Sounds! Hope you're all well. Happy blogging!

Chloe xxx  

P.S. Can I just say how relieved I am that Obama was re-elected as President of the United States? I stayed up to watch the election results during the early hours of Wednesday morning, despite the fact that I was exhausted that day! However, even my fatigue couldn't ruin my day because Obama got what he deserved! :-)


  1. Looks like you had an amazing time! I love your new header tooo :)

    Julia xx

  2. I take it you're a bit of a starbucks fan? :)

  3. actually, those aren't all starbucks cups!

  4. love your photos! My brother works in Canary Wharf :-) but you are so lucky to get work experience there, especially at such a young age!

    Francesca xo

  5. Canary Wharf looks amazing, and it sounds like you had an amazing time!!

    x Jasmine


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