Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The Lengths

Wimbledon has officially begun, the sun has been shining (sort of) and it finally feels like summer! Since being free from exams and school, I've loved having free time to just read whatever I want, including magazines and blogs! I'm also making a mental note to sort through my entire music folder on iTunes and do some serious updating. It's just one of those things that I always want to do, but never seem to get round to doing... And finally doing creative things like drawing and blogging is so fun and I can't believe that it's finally summer - I'm determined not to waste all of this free time!

1. Magazines!
2. Sorting through iTunes
3. Flowers

Today, I went to town with my sister for some much needed shopping. As part of my school's sixth form, we are required to wear business dress, so I managed to buy a nice pair of trousers as well as some nice stationery from Paperchase. It was nice to just walk around and chill, although my feet were aching by the end of the day. My favourite pastime has to be sitting in Waterstones (which has the comfiest chairs in the world) and wile away all of my time reading books.

Anyway, I have book return tomorrow and then Sixth Form induction on Thursday and Friday, so that will take care of the rest of my week... It'll be so weird meeting new externals, but nice to see (almost) everyone in my year again too. And prom is in just 10 days! Exciting!

Hope you're all well! :-) Will hopefully be back with an outfit post of some sort soon, as well as some pics from my Moleskine. Happy blogging!

Chloe xxx

P.S. The Black Keys are amazing and The Lengths is probably my favourite song by them. It's one of their more mellow songs, but it just has something about it that makes me keep pressing the Replay button.


  1. Hurray for summer and more leisurely activities!

    I, too, am trying to not waste these nice days. It's funny you should mention updating your iTunes because I'm also doing the same thing. I finally have a macbook so that sort of triggered me into starting over, only transferring via CDs or what have you the songs I really liked. Plus, I got a gift card for it from my brother and it's much easier to buy the songs I really like. Do you enjoy making playlists? Perhaps that would be fun to share in a blog? Just an idea. :)

    Can't wait for pics from your moleskine!

    Take care.

  2. i totally know what you mean about sorting out itunes. sometimes i'm dead organised with mine and keep it really up to date and then other times i just can't be bothered and give up on it entirely. mine needs a massive sort out at the moment!



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