Saturday, 6 November 2010

Tired Eyes

It's November already, what has happened to 2010?! I'm now distinctly aware of how much has happened in this past year or so, I just can't believe it's gone by so quickly! This week has been the longest one so far though, I'm sure of it. First week back after half term and I realised just how much I have to do and so little time to do it in! My Biology exam is on Thursday and I'm dreading it, it's such a weak point of mine and I don't want to completely flop it. Blah de blah, school is boring me and I just want to fast forward to the holidays.

I wish I wasn't so negative and also that I had something to blog about other than school stuff, but it's pretty much the only stuff going on right about now. Anyway, here are some photos of the paper-mache shoe I made for my Art project. I'll take some more pictures later and post them as well. Art was taking over my life for a while a few days ago, but now I'm back up to speed and it's actually such a great creative outlet, because the rest of the subjects I've taken for GCSE are just so academic, so yeah, really enjoying that.


Hope you like them! I'm thinking about tinkering with my blog name/URL, but I dunno cause then I don't think my followers can see my blog if I change the URL or something. Also, I have no idea what I'd change it to. Maybe I'll just be too lazy and not change it. Who knows.
ALSO, guess who has a half day on November 19th? Guess who's already booked her tickets to go to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1? YES, THAT'S RIGHT, ME. I know, I'm so psyched, it's unreal. :-) Bon weekend and happy blogging!

Chloe xxx

P.S. This is called Tired Eyes because my eyes are drooping at this current moment in time, seriously. I am so tired and I had a four hour nap when I got in from school, and now I need to sleep because I'm feeling uncharacteristically tired lately. Partly due to my living on five hours a night, every night this week. Zzzzzzzzz


  1. these are seriously amazing!!


  2. I'm so jealous, we didn't get to have art at school this year which sucked cause it's such a passion of mine. Cool shoes! :)

  3. those shoes are AWESOME, and i just realised we like all the same music pretty much! thanks for the help, hopefully it will all be ok :) xo

  4. God I hated paper mache cos I could never do it so I'm a smidgen jealous of those shoesies. ^_~
    Have fun at Harry Potter and I hope your biology exam goes well, although I'm sure you'll be just fine! Good luck. =] x

  5. Awesome shoes - very creative!

    I'm also really excited about Harry Potter!

    x Jasmine

  6. Guess what...

  7. VERY VERY cool!! Love your blog!! I'll be a coming back to check out more!! And definitely excited bout Harry Potter!! :) Hazel
    Hazel Loves Design

  8. Hey I emailed you back when you commented on the blog post, but I don't know if you got it or not.
    Yeah that is my email address, so just shoot me an email and I'll get it sent out to you! =]

  9. Oooh I'm supremely psyched about seeing Harry Potter too!
    Awesome papermache shoe btw ;)


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