Saturday, 4 May 2013

High Hopes

Hey everyone! It feels like way way way too long since I last posted... Life has just had a habit of getting in the way of blogging, I suppose.

As of yesterday, I am officially on study leave. My first exam is on May 13th and then I have 8 other exams up until June 13th, so I've got exactly a month of exams... I'm petrified and don't know how I'm going to cope, but just the thought of being free for the summer and all that will be happening through July and August is enough to lessen the pain of the next month!

In other news, I recently started driving! I've had about 4 lessons now and I haven't crashed yet (touch wood!), which equals success in my book! It's been quite difficult though and I don't think driving comes very naturally to me, but it's been quite fun now that I think I've grasped the technique of starting and stopping the car, haha. It feels so strange to actually be at the age where I can drive and actually be behind the wheel of a car... I feel so grown up.

Also, a few weeks ago, I downloaded the app C25K (Couch to 5K), in a bid to get fitter. It's basically an app which plans out a running/walking session each week and progressively steps it up a notch - I believe this is called "interval training". It's also really good cause it pauses my music and says commands like "Run" or "Walk" so I don't have to bother with timing myself or anything. I'm now almost finished with my 4th week and it has been amazing! Admittedly, this week has been really hard, having to run 5 minutes non-stop, but for someone who could barely run for 1 minute before, I can definitely see the progress I've made in just a few weeks. Also, now that Spring has officially sprung, it has been really nice to get up early in the morning when the sun is actually shining and just run!

Here are some more photos from my Oxford trip which I forgot about posting...

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1. Windswept in Oxford
2. Christ Church; The lovely Christ Church Meadows
3. Beautiful buildings
4. Beautiful gates
5. The Ashmolean Museum
6. Touristy shot in front of lots of lovely shops; ChCh Dining Hall
7. The Bridge of Sighs connecting Hertford College

As part of my procrastination, I've decided to tidy the blog up a bit and add an "About Me" page, because I always love reading other people's pages (is that just me, or...?) :-) Anyway, in spite of these little changes and updates, I doubt that I'll have any time to post between now and the end of my exams... We shall see how it goes!

Hope you're all well!

P.S. My recent obsession is the band Kodaline! They've definitely helped me through my revision woes.